
Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview

Students study the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) for three years. The MYP builds upon the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed in the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and prepares students to meet future academic challenges, including IGCSE, BTEC and the IB Diploma Programme (DP).

Teaching and learning in the MYP is framed by inquiry, action and reflection. Or more simply asking, doing and thinking. Students will be taught by subject specialists across the eight learning areas to enable students to engage in purposeful inquiry in a robust academic setting.

Each topic is concept driven and set within a global context. Conceptual learning focuses on organising ideas that have relevance within and across subject groups. Concepts help to integrate learning for the student and deepen disciplinary understanding while building capacity to engage with complex ideas and apply them in new situations. Global contexts in planning and teaching helps students engage in purposeful learning by providing relevance and meaning of how their learning fits into the world.

Self Photos / Files - IB MYP

The MYP framework has 8 equally weighted subject groups and students are expected to study from each of the groups.


Subject Group

Subjects taught at KGV


Visual Art, Drama, Music, Media


Design Technology and ICT

Individuals and Societies

Geography, History and Philosophy & Religious Studies

Language Acquisition

Chinese, French, Spanish and German

Language and Literature

English and Chinese and World Language and Literature



Physical and Health Development

PE and Liberal and Personal Studies




All students enrolled in year 3 of the MYP are expected to complete the Community Project. The Community Project is completed over the course of one year and is a significant piece of self-directed inquiry driven by the students’ own interests and creativity. It is an opportunity to consolidate and celebrate learning. 

Over the course of the year, students are expected to demonstrate learning by investigating, planning, taking action and reflecting as they carry out sustained inquiry into a need within the community. Students will need to communicate effectively in a variety of situations and demonstrate responsible action. The final outcome will be in the form of a presentation and exhibition. 

The Community Project is assessed using assessment criteria prescribed by the IB. These criteria cover Investigating, Planning, Taking Action and Reflecting. Each criterion is marked out of 8, with 8 showing the student has achieved the highest level. A supervising teacher is appointed to each student completing the Community Project. The supervising teacher provides guidance and feedback on the process and completion of the project and ensures the project is safe to carry out. Supervising teachers will carry out standardisation exercises to ensure projects and students are assessed fairly. Marks will be shared with students.

Our interactive and collaborative approach to teaching allows our students to become intellectually curious and fulfil the IBO Learner Profile in an academically rigorous context.

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